Having grown up in the sixties and seeing the turmoil of race relations being played out on television, and not really understanding it all. There were all these people involved in a struggle who were fighting for racial equally, for all people not just black people. I never thought much about it then, as a child those people were only figures on TV who I knew I would never meet. Forty years later, working on a project for class I decided to cover the Democratic National Convention. Little did I know, I would meet part of black history at the capital building in Denver Colorado. This woman is Kathleen Cleaver, she was the wife of one of the leaders of the Black Panther Party, Eldridge Cleaver. After taking her picture I decided to introduce myself and let her know that it was such a pleasure to have the opportunity to speak with her. I now have a better understanding of how her struggle made life better for me. How her fight, as difficult as it was, helped changed the course of history. I thanked her from the bottom of my heart. She is truly one of my "HEROS"